Introduction to Handguns – Classroom Only
Individual rate: $65
Group rate (group of 8-10): $60
The Introduction to Handguns class is for people who are new to or inexperienced at shooting a handgun. The 3-5-hour class consists of approximately 2 1/2 hours of classroom instruction and approximately 1 hour of lessons and shooting at a range. Students who complete the Intro course will be prepared to practice at a range on their own in preparation for a Texas License to Carry (LTC) (formerly CHL) proficiency course qualification.
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Introduction to Handguns – Classroom and Range Orientation
Individual rate: $150
Group rate (group of 8-10): $125
Includes everything for the classroom and:
- 2 to 3 hours of range safety
- Firing 50 rounds for weapon formalization, semi-automatic or revolver
License to Carry (LTC/CHL)
Individual rate: $150
Group rate (group of 8-10): $125
The overall objective of this course is to educate students on the responsibilities and laws applicable to handgun license holders. The material covered in the presentation was created by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS), as the instructional guide for Texas License to Carry a Handgun Instructors to use in accordance with the requirements of Texas Government Code §411.188. Additional material has been included in our presentation to bring clarity to some of the material, however, nothing has been removed from the DPS text in accordance to Government Code §411.188.
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Church Security
There are always three sides to every argument. However, it can sometimes be difficult to convince a congregation for the need to worry about church security. Some of the most common questions are: Won’t God protect us if we are in His house (Sutherland Springs Texas/White Settlement Texas)? Why not just rely on local police and medical response teams in case of an emergency? Won’t congregants think that a security team is a “Gestapo group”? It is not practical to erect metal detectors at all entrances, so how can we be secure?
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Active Shooter Survival Course
Coming Soon!
This one-day course is designed to provide the knowledge necessary to survive an active shooter situation (a real possibility in today’s world) by means of escape, concealment or self-defense. Re-enactment immersion scenarios designed to re-create the environment of an active shooter will help develop your immediate response necessary to survive the attack. Prevention, preparedness, response and aftermath action are covered during this course.